Thursday, January 1, 2009

Good Will Happen !!

Hey hey hey.........I decided that i ll put only interesting stuff so not burdening my avid followers of reading nonsense!!! after this assurance I hope you can read below a matter worth it !

I happened to be reading "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne......It was carrying the very idea of "law of attraction" the law that makes the world around you.....the law says "its your thoughts and desires that decide what your world would be." Hmmm you want a better way to co relate Ok Ok i ll use simple terms; if you a bollywood buff then must have seen OSO (Om shanti Om) where our King Khan very passionately uttered "If you desire something entire universe come together to make it happen" ( Quite filmy ! but you can appreciate my approach at making it clear!! "Thanks")

It was a small incident but a trailer which made me believe yes it happens right there with every thought of yours, I ll narrate the incident here :

I was just coming back from a gas station filling my empty car tank with cheap CNG and feeling happy that am saving bucks on my investment for CNG kit (feeling smart and intelligent as usual !! ). Expressed it to my regular target Rajat (as I love talking and this guy is one of the frequent victims!!) Suddenly I felt haven't faced any police checking for document verification; as that was not a registered kit and i could attract fine of 4 grand. On the very next left turn it was there - a temporary police checking barricade. OOpsss.... i was like ?????? more than puzzled. Then Then I thought , "c'mon they are not checking the papers" and guess what, they were checking drunken driving, asked me to be tested for it and let me go without any paper checking..... I had a horripilation like never before.........!!! I drove back with a lesson to " Help Forces of nature to make a good world you desire around by - Thinking good; expressing good..and ... Expecting good ...... :) "

Good will happen !!!!