Sunday, December 7, 2008

The language of signs !!

I saw it happening.if you believe it its all there right in front of you directing and helping you through your 5 senses only,(but if you feel explaination will be flashy and clear if terms like sixth sense are used...I ll justify their use as well ! ) but yes sixth sense is the power here to understand and feel the signs around,and admitting to your own decision making "hey I got the signs,and hence I strongly feel our effort is going to be a success ...."
I am advocating it because of what I went through recently, what an incident I went berserk just after a phone call (my gosh !)
I had a dream in which I met a friend of mine ,the very next morning she called up and told about me in her dream.That was the height man I was lost for two days
But its not easy to accept that ..... what was there i failed to understand
But how will you take that......."In the confusion about my feelings for a girl, I entered a crowded mall and I walked apast a female talking on Phone, and what I got to hear were only 5 words - ' she is not the one'. (zapped haan !!!)" I dont know how others will take it as but honestly it solved a problem.
(to my female friends please dont mind it was none of you !! )


  1. such signs actually solve so many complicated problems in life...u feel so relaxed... its very apt to quote that every dark cloud has a silver lining..such silver linings should be sensed through the signs...wishful thinking still...

  2. the topic is more like unsolved mysteries of life..truely the sixth sense of humans is the most charismatic 1....its magical!!!

  3. well i never believed in signs it ws u who actually made me believe dem...
    bt nw wen i luk bak i feel there have been incidents in my lyf (i guess in every ones lyf) which r unexplainable...these small miracles make us believe there is sumthing above science nd reasoning...
